Poured from the bottle into a standard pint with a tan head and dark brown color. Smell is coffee malts with some spice. Taste is definitely the coffee malts, with the spice less evident. Feel is crisp with a full body and ample carbonation. Overall a very drinkable porter and quite appropriate for the holiday season, regardless of the time of year reviewed.
ABV: 5.9%
Rating: Better
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Anchor Steam Beer - Anchor Brewing Company
Poured into a standard pint glass, with a slightly off white head of about two fingers and a orangish-tan color. Smells of some citrus and bitter pine, with some malts as well. Taste is more malty and more piney with the citrus notes taking a back seat. Feel is crisp, with a fairly light body, very carbonated. Good overall beer nice feel, flavor and aroma.
ABV: 4.9%
Rating: Better
ABV: 4.9%
Rating: Better
Monday, July 19, 2010
St. Bernardus Pater 6 - Brouwerij St. Bernardus NV
Poured from the bottle into my snifter, with a dark garnet-brown color and a whitish-tan head that dissipated quickly and crowns with a scattering of bubbles in the top. Smell is dark fruits with some slight spiciness. Taste is very much the same with some more malt presence. Crisp carbonation that gives a great tingling feel throughout. Enjoyable but not quite my favorite representative of the dubbel.
ABV: 6.7%
Rating: Good
ABV: 6.7%
Rating: Good
Duvel - Brouwerij Duvel Moortgat NV
Poured a clear and golden color with an ample bright white head into my snifter really very beautiful in appearance. Smell is appealing, fruity with some malty hints. Taste is fruity, hints of yeast and malts, enjoyable balance. Feel is very nice, carbonation tickles, light dryness. Easy to enjoy the 750ml, possibly even two, any more might be a stretch
ABV: 8.5%
Rating: Better
ABV: 8.5%
Rating: Better
Hop Karma IPA - Terrapin Brewing Company
Poured from the bottle into a standard pint glass a nice dark amber with a slight head that dissipates quickly. Smell has Hoppy grapefruits and some bitterness, nice aroma consistent with the style. Tastes very nice with hoppyness balanced with malts, fruity citrus flavors and bitterness but not overwhelming. Feel is good, not too carbonated and medium bodied. Very drinkable and not to alcoholic, keeps the beer quite sessionable.
ABV: 6.00%
Rating: Better
ABV: 6.00%
Rating: Better
Dos Equis Amber Lager - Cervecería Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma, S.A. de C.V.
Poured from the bottle into a standard pint glass, nice orangish red hue, not too dark. With a slightly tan head of about one finger that doesn't last very long, nor leave much lacing. Smell has the grassiness expected with a typical lager but not much else, very non-descript. Taste is similar with some slight maltiness, but nothing to really distinguish it from others of the same style. Feel is really pretty good, with some light, tight carbonation and a generally smooth finish. Overall it is not terrible, but really indistinguishable from others, I will drink it if it is the only option but will probably not search it out.
ABV: 4.5%
Rating: Good
ABV: 4.5%
Rating: Good
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Old Jubilation - Avery Brewing Company
Poured from the bottle into my snifter a nice deep dark ruby color with ample offwhite/tan head. Smells initially of caramel malts and some piney bitterness, with a spicy aftertone. Spiciness is more evident in the taste with the malts and pine notes finishing. Good feel with medium carbonation and smooth finish. Overall a nice winter beverage.
ABV: 8.0%
Rating: Better
ABV: 8.0%
Rating: Better
Friday, July 9, 2010
Big Bear Black Stout - Bear Republic Brewing
Poured from the bottle into my snifter. Great black appearance with a slight tan head that dissipated quickly to a nice crown. Wonderful aroma of coffee, chocolate, and roasted malts. Bitterness is slightly present in taste with chocolate and coffee primary flavors. Great feel with ample carbonation that tickles. Really a good stout and very enjoyable taste and a great feel.
ABV: 8.1%
Rating: Best
ABV: 8.1%
Rating: Best
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Undercover Investigation Shutdown Ale - Lagunitas Brewing
Poured from the bottle into a snifter a deep ruby brown color. Aroma is primarily of malts with caramel and some roasted malts, bitterness of pine sneaks through at the end. Taste is very similar to the smell with more roasted malt flavor, and more piney hops. Feel is slightly on the crisp side with a good bite, and some slight warming from the alcohol. Overall a very drinkable strong ale, and definitely one I'll have again given the opportunity.
ABV: 9.7%
Rating: Good
ABV: 9.7%
Rating: Good
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Port Brewing Company/Pizza Port - High Tide Fresh Hop IPA
Poured from the bottle into a snifter a nice clear golden brown with a slight orange tint and a white head of about two fingers that lingered nicely and left some slight lacing. Aroma was a pretty well balanced hop profile with some definite pine and citrus notes prevailing. Taste was much the same with the ctirus taking a little bit more of a forward position than in the aroma. Feel was smooth with some oiliness on the finish for this medium bodied India Pale Ale. Extremely drinkable and enjoyable, this will be making its way back into my beer fridge soon.
Rating: Good
ABV: 6.5%
Rating: Good
ABV: 6.5%
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Stone Brewing Company - Stone 09.09.09 Vertical Epic Ale
Poured from the bottle into a snifter. Dark brown, slightly opaque. Tan head of about 3 fingers, laces nicely throughout. Initial malt tones in the aroma followed by peppery spiciness, with some slight citrus notes. Taste is peppery and spicy, with the malts balancing nicely. Feels smooth with a crisper finish, and light carbonation. Very drinkable and enjoyable.
Rating: Better
ABV: 8.9%
Rating: Better
ABV: 8.9%
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Sierra Nevada Brewing Company - Bigfoot Barleywine Style Ale
2010 Vintage poured a golden brown into a tumbler, head was average with minimal lacing. Aroma is very well balanced, with sweet malts and citrus hops leading the charge. Taste is nicely balanced as well, good sweetness from the malts with some citrus flavors on the finish. Medium to full bodied feel, little syrupy, with some oilyness to complete. Very drinkable Barleywine with great characteristics.
Rating: Better
ABV: 9.6%
Rating: Better
ABV: 9.6%
Friday, April 9, 2010
Brooklyn Brewery - Black Chocolate Stout
Poured from the bottle a blackish brown with a slight tannish head. Smells of bitter chocolates and roasted/burnt malts. Taste is similar with slightly more chocolate flavors. Good feel with light carbonation, very smooth and thick body. A food drinking Imperial Stout.
Rating: Better
ABV: 10.1%
Rating: Better
ABV: 10.1%
Bells Brewery - Two Hearted Ale
Poured a nice orangish golden from the bottle into a tumbler. Head was ample, though it laced minimally. Smell was citrus in nature with a nice malt backbone. Taste was orangy and grapefruity with some bitterness. Malts played a strong part. Feel was average with a nice crispness. Overall a better than average Imperial Pale Ale.
Rating: Better
ABV: 7.1%
Rating: Better
ABV: 7.1%
Magic Hat Brewing Company - #9
Pours a clear strawish yellow color from the bottle into a tumbler. Ample head that laces well. Crisp fruity smell with some grassiness. Flavor is similar with a fruitiness that leads followed by the grassy flavors. Feels good and crisp, a nice drinking summer-time ale.
Rating: Good
ABV: 5.1%
Rating: Good
ABV: 5.1%
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Boulder Beer Company - Never Summer ale
Poured into a standard pint glass, with a nice ruby/brown color and a light tan head of about one finger that dissipated quickly and laced minimally. Aroma was of an earthy nature with roasted malts. Taste is malty with again an earthy flavor. Feel is smooth, with light carbonation and a medium feel. Good winter beverage that reminds me some of a scotch ale.
Rating: Good
ABV: 5.94%
Rating: Good
ABV: 5.94%
Avery Brewing Company - New World Porter
Poured into a pint glass, very dark brown, nearly opaque. Tan head that was about three fingers thick and retained well. Laced well in additon. Aroma of the coffee and roasted malts primarily. Taste has the bitterness from the malts, coffee flavors primarily. Feel is full bodied with some slight crispness. Good porter from a great local brewery.
Rating: Better
ABV: 6.7%
Rating: Better
ABV: 6.7%
Spoetzl Brewery - Shiner 100 Commerator
Poured from the bottle into a snifter. Deep clear ruby red color with a rather slight tan head that laced minimally. Aromas of the roasted malts were noticable, with a bit of a dark fruit presence leading the way. Taste is darker fruit and the malts. Alcohol is slightly present. Smooth feel with a definite medium to full body. Pleasently drinkable and enjoyable doppelbock.
Rating: Good
ABV: 6.7%
Rating: Good
ABV: 6.7%
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
New Belgium Brewing - Blue Paddle Pilsner
Poured from the bottle into a standard pint glass. Straw-golden color with a two finger white head that leaves an excellent lacing. Aroma is grassy with a bit of maltiness following. Tastes slightly grassy with the maltiness a little more present. Feel is good and crisp, with a light-medium body, and some dryness. Overall the beer is good and a fine example of a German Pilsner.
Rating: Better
ABV: 4.8%
Rating: Better
ABV: 4.8%
AC Golden Brewing Company - Herman Joseph's Private Reserve
Poured from the bottle into a standard pint glass, a vigorous pour produced a three finger slightly off white head that retained well and laced mininally. A bit of citrus on the initial aroma followed by a grassiness that is typical of the style. Taste is a bit citrusy and slightly sweet, with a dryness that finishes well. Feels light bodied with a great crisp finish. Great drinkability and characteristics make this a good German Pilsner.
Rating: Better
ABV: 4.95%
Rating: Better
ABV: 4.95%
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Shmaltz Brewing Company (He'Brew) - Bittersweet Lenny's RIPA
Poured from the bottle into a standard pint glass. Great color of a golden orange, with a white-ish head. Pretty balanced aroma with the spicyness of the rye balancing the bitterness and sweetness of the hops. Hops were piney in nature. Taste was similar with just a good balanced flavor. Excellent feel with just enough carbonation and a medium bodied feel. Very drinkable, alcohol was not overly noticable given the ABV, so it was extremely drinkable.
Rating: Better
ABV: 10.0%
Rating: Better
ABV: 10.0%
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Unibroue - Trois Pistoles
Poured from the bottle, into my St. Bernadus goblet. Dark brown with an orangish-ruby tint. Head is ample, and tan in color. Laced slightly. Smell is greatly complex with the typical Belgian spice combined with some dark fruits and citrus. Taste is similar, with the various flavors molded together very well creating quite a smooth ale. Feel is lighter than expected and very smooth. Carbonation starts aggressively both smooths through the bottle. Really enjoyed this beer and will have to keep an eye out for it at the stores.
Rating: Best
ABV: 9.0%
Rating: Best
ABV: 9.0%
Friday, March 19, 2010
Flying Dog Brewery - Raging Bitch Belgian Style IPA
Pours a nice orangy-amber with a slightly off white head that laces nicely and dissipates rather slowly. Aroma is nice and spicy as it should be with ample citrusy hops backing up the spice. Taste is again spicy and citrusy. Feel is crisp and light bodied, with a slightly oily finish. Overall drinkability is good, I'll definitely have a few more of this Belgian IPA.
Rating: Good
ABV: 8.3%
Rating: Good
ABV: 8.3%
Boston Beer Company - Samuel Adams Imperial Stout
Poured from the bottle into a goblet. Deep, dark brown, nearly black with a brownish golden head that dissipates quickly and leaves very little trace on the glass. Aromas are of dark fruit and roasted malts, however not as distinct and complex in smell as desired. Taste is similar, good, but not very defined as the best can be, regardless of flavor. Feel is good, with a light carbonation and some alcohol warming. Overall a good introduction to the style and appropriate to the style, but not quite as distinct in aroma and flavor as the best.
Rating: Better
ABV: 9.2%
Rating: Better
ABV: 9.2%
Oskar Blues Brewing Company - GUBNA Imperial IPA
I love a canned beer, and this one is very nice. Poured from the can into a snifter, beautiful copper/orange color with an off-white head that laced well and stuck around a good bit before dissipating to a cap and crown. Quite complex aroma with a bitter pine note prevailing slightly over the rye. Taste is nicely balanced with the rye being maybe just a slight bit more prevalent than the hops. Feel is very smooth with a medium body and slightly less than average carbonation. Great drinking beer even for the ABV.
Rating: Best
ABV: 10.0%
Rating: Best
ABV: 10.0%
Deschutes Brewery - Red Chair NWPA
Poured into a snifter from the bottle a nice copper color with a slightly off white head that sticks around somewhat before dissipating to a white cap and crown on the beer. Laces minimally. Smell is very much along the lines of pine with some faint citrus notes. Taste is bitter pine notes with a nice crisp feel and a slight aftertaste of the pine. Overall extremely drinkable with great aromas and flavors.
Rating: Better
ABV: 6.4%
Rating: Better
ABV: 6.4%
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Lagunitas Brewing Company - Olde Gnarleywine
Poured from the bottle into a goblet. A dark ruby color with a one finger tan head that dissipated quickly. Laced pretty well throughout. Initial alcohol aroma doesn't last long, as the malts take over. Flavors have an initial strong malt but the hops balance nicely on the finish. Feel is definitely warm from the alcohol with some distinct oiliness in this medium-bodied beer. Overall very good barleywine with great balance and appropriate flavorings.
ABV: 11.0%
Rating: Better
ABV: 11.0%
Rating: Better
Thursday, March 4, 2010
New Belgium Brewing - Ranger
Poured this from the bottle into a nice rounded snifter. Ample white head that laces very well and dissipated down to a crown slowly. Aroma is bountiful from the initial pour all the way to the bottom. Pine is the initial hop aroma, with citrus following to sweeten the scent. Taste is a very bitter pine initially with the sweet citrus following. Feel is very crisp, almost a bit dry with ample carbonation. Light to medium body, and an oily finish. Extremely drinkable, and enjoyable. Overall a great India Pale Ale.
Rating: Better
ABV: 6.5%
Rating: Better
ABV: 6.5%
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
J.W. Lees & Co (Brewers) Ltd - Vintage Harvest Ale (2001 Vintage)
2001 Vintage
Poured cloudy brown with ruby hints. Virtually no head. Great aromas of malty sweetness, very little if any hop aromas. Malty aromas are dark fruits. Definite alcohol in the aroma as well. Taste is very sweet, with some fig, raisin type fruity flavor as well. Alcohol doesn't really appear until the end, pretty well masked. Feel is smooth, syrupy and has very little carbonation. Overall a very good Barleywine with great characteristics. Really enjoyed the beer.
Rating: Best
ABV: 11.5%
Poured cloudy brown with ruby hints. Virtually no head. Great aromas of malty sweetness, very little if any hop aromas. Malty aromas are dark fruits. Definite alcohol in the aroma as well. Taste is very sweet, with some fig, raisin type fruity flavor as well. Alcohol doesn't really appear until the end, pretty well masked. Feel is smooth, syrupy and has very little carbonation. Overall a very good Barleywine with great characteristics. Really enjoyed the beer.
Rating: Best
ABV: 11.5%
Thursday, February 25, 2010
The Lost Abbey - Serpent's Stout
On tap during "Stout Month" at the Vine Street Pub. Poured a dark brown almost black with a yellowish-tan head of about a half finger. Alcohol noticeable with some coffee malts and dark fruit. Fruity complex taste with the malts contributing significant flavors of coffee and chocolate. Smooth feel with great tight carbonation and a full bodied feel. Interesting flavors, complex, with drinkability on par with other Imperial Stouts.
Rating: Better
ABV: 10.5%
Rating: Better
ABV: 10.5%
Mountain Sun Pub and Brewery - FYIPA
On tap at the Vine Street Pub. Poured a cloudy amber with a tight one finger head that retained and laced well. Grapefruit and orange aromas are very predominate. Flavor is crisper and more piney in nature. Crisp medium bodied feel with an oily finish. Very drinkable and enjoyable beer.
Rating: Best
ABV: ?
Rating: Best
ABV: ?
Port Brewing Company/Pizza Port - Old Viscosity
Pours a deep dark brown almost black with a slight golden tan head that just lightly caps the beer and dissipates to crown. Smell is initially of alcohol with lots of dark fruits. Tastes of the same dark fruits and malts with alcohol not quite as present as in the smell. Feel is smooth and chewey with a very light carbonation. A good beverage with a complex smell and taste. Definitely drinkable and enjoyable.
Rating: Better
ABV: 10.00%
Rating: Better
ABV: 10.00%
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Russian River Brewing Company - Pliny the Younger
On tap at the Falling Rock Tap House in Denver on Tuesday and was very lucky to have gotten the two glasses of it that I did as the first keg was gone after about 10 minutes, and the second very shortly thereafter.
Poured a great golden amber almost honey color with about three fingers of off-white head that lasted quite some time and laced very well as it went down the glass. Aroma was a strong citrus grapefruit smell with little alcohol present on the nose given the ABV. Taste is similar to the smell as the citrus grapefruit flavors are very prevalent, with some sweetness as well. Feel is smooth and slightly syrupy with a slight tickle of carbonation on the tongue. Overall the beer was great, and if more had been available could have been dangerous given the alcohol content combined with the enjoyability of this beverage.
Rating: Best
ABV: 11.0%
Poured a great golden amber almost honey color with about three fingers of off-white head that lasted quite some time and laced very well as it went down the glass. Aroma was a strong citrus grapefruit smell with little alcohol present on the nose given the ABV. Taste is similar to the smell as the citrus grapefruit flavors are very prevalent, with some sweetness as well. Feel is smooth and slightly syrupy with a slight tickle of carbonation on the tongue. Overall the beer was great, and if more had been available could have been dangerous given the alcohol content combined with the enjoyability of this beverage.
Rating: Best
ABV: 11.0%
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Great Divide Brewing Company - Old Ruffian Barley Wine
Poured an amber-brown almost copper color with ample tan head that dissipated quickly to a crown. Very balanced aromas with the malts and alcohol leading the way and a bit of a hoppy citrus following. Malty backbone in the flavor that follows with the piney hops and alcohol. Chewey medium bodied feel with a bit of crispness and definite alcohol warming. Everything is as it should be with a great balance, relatively smooth feel and a nice warm finish.
Rating: Best
ABV: 10.2%
Rating: Best
ABV: 10.2%
Friday, February 12, 2010
Full Sail Brewery - Full Sail Imperial Porter
Poured a nice dark, dark brown with a tan head that dissipated quickly to crown the beer in the glass. Definite coffee and chocolate aroma typical of the malts. Ample bitterness with the roasted malts and some very prevalent sweetness backing it up. Great complexities of flavors with a nice smooth, yet still chewy feel. Drinks easy and smooth. ABV is not so high to limit consumption greatly.
Rating: Better
ABV: 7.5%
Rating: Better
ABV: 7.5%
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Green flash Brewing Company - Imperial India Pale Ale
Poured into a goblet, pours a nice golden yellow color with a one finger white head that dissipated quickly to crown the beer. Great citrus and pine aromas initially, with the alcohol following through. Taste is more piney than the smell, with the citrus and alcohol more present on the finish. Feel is a little more than medium bodied and has a good oily finish for the DIPA. Very good drinkable beer for the style and quite enjoyable.
Rating: Better
ABV: 9.0%
Rating: Better
ABV: 9.0%
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Spaten-Franziskaner-Bräu - Franziskaner Hefe-Weisse
Pours golden and cloudy with one finger of white head after vigorous pour. Fruity aroma with citrus, some wheatiness-yeastiness. Tastes light, citrusy and yeasty very enjoyable. Good feel nice carbonation and not thick at all. Good, nice and light but flavorful.
Avery Brewing Company - Salvation
Poured a very light but bold orange, cloudy, with little to no head. Aroma is of orange and fruits, some yeasty notes. Fruity dry bite with sweetness, really lacked flavor to me based on the smell. I expected so much more, almost like a club soda with flavoring...Feel is dry, nice carbonation, feels good. Distinctly unique in the flavorings, probably need to try this one again in a few months.
Guiness Ltd. - Smithwick's
Poured a nice ruby red with a two finger offwhite head that dissipated quickly to a thin film on top of the beer. Good lacing throughout. Aroma is very malty and grainy. Taste is similar with a very slight roastiness. Feel is medium-light to medium in the mouth with a crispness from the carbonation. Some slight oiliness on the finish. Overall drinkability is good with a sessionable quality.
ABV: 4.5%
Rating: Good
ABV: 4.5%
Rating: Good
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Stone Brewing Company - Imperial Russian Stout
Poured very dark black, opaque no light passing through. Golden brown head that hangs around nicely. Aromas of Coffee, malts, chocolate. Taste of coffee and chocolate is what hits first, sweetness comes later. Feel is excellent, good carbonation, lingers just long enough. I found it to be quite drinkable. One of the better RIS I have had, a great example of the style. This one begs me to keep several in the cellar...
Rating: Best
ABV: 10.5%
Rating: Best
ABV: 10.5%
Samuel Smith Old Brewery - Nut Brown Ale
One of my favorites....
Poured a nice Orangy, Amber brown slightly cloudy with good head and retention. Nutty maltiness aroma with a balanced and flavorful taste that was malty with a nutty finish. Nice light carbonation and only slight aftertaste.Very drinkable and quite sessionable, I could easily enjoy a six pack of these no problem.
Rating: Best
ABV: 5.0%
Poured a nice Orangy, Amber brown slightly cloudy with good head and retention. Nutty maltiness aroma with a balanced and flavorful taste that was malty with a nutty finish. Nice light carbonation and only slight aftertaste.Very drinkable and quite sessionable, I could easily enjoy a six pack of these no problem.
Rating: Best
ABV: 5.0%
Samuel Smith Old Brewery - The Famous Taddy Porter
Poured into a standard pint glass a deep dark brown/amber color, very clear, tan head that laced very well and dissipated quickly. Aroma is malty notes of coffee and caramel, with a taste that mimics. Feel is very nice, carbonation lingered and was tight in nature. Very drinkable and quite enjoyable.
Rating: Best
ABV: 5.0%
Rating: Best
ABV: 5.0%
Great Divide Brewing - Yeti Imperial Stout
Pours a deep dark brown, black with golden brown head that took a vigorous pour to two fingers. Smells of caramel, coffee, chocolate malts and alcohol. Taste is roasted malts that bring flavors of chocolate, coffee, and caramels, some bitterness follows on aftertaste. Thick, oily feel with good carbonation. Overall a better version of the imperial stout, drinks well, tastes good and brings a great feel to the table.
Rating: Better
ABV: 9.5%
Rating: Better
ABV: 9.5%
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Abita Brewing Company - Abbey Ale
Poured into a standard pint glass a deep ruby, cloudy color with an off white head nice lacing. Aroma was fruity of bananas, creamy with some caramel malts hiding. Taste was fruity, sweet, balanced caramel malty thickness. Well carbonated, bready and fluffy feel. Drinkability was good but not quite sessionable a little to sweet.
Rating: Good
ABV: 8.0%
Rating: Good
ABV: 8.0%
Stone Brewing Company - Double Bastard Ale
Poured into a standard pint glass a deep ruby red with one finger of tan head. Aroma was malty with some chocolate hints. Tasted of chocolates, malty sweetness very well balanced with hoppy bitterness. Nice tight carbonation, some thickness to the feel. Very drinkable despite alcohol, almost dangerous.
Rating: Best
ABV: 10.5%
Rating: Best
ABV: 10.5%
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery - 120 Minute IPA
Pours very cloudy, golden amber color, pours with a slight head that sticks around shortly then crowns the beer. Smell is alcohol and fruity. Tastes very fruity and sweet. Alcohol extremely prominent. Feel is slightly chewy with light carbonation, smooth and oily. Drinkable in the sense that it is very enjoyable, one per session, too sweet, and too potent. A beer that is good, but in my mind is meant to be savored on occasion.
Rating: Good
ABV: 18.0%
Rating: Good
ABV: 18.0%
Boulevard Brewing - Lunar Ale
Poured a deep dark cloudy amber, head off white about one finger high. Smell is malty, creamy some fruity hints. Taste similar, malty, creamy, some fruity hints, rather enjoyable in general, though a little sweet for my taste. Light feel, fluffy thick carbonation. Definitely drinkable and very enjoyable.
Rating: Better
ABV: 5.1%
Rating: Better
ABV: 5.1%
Brewery Ommegang - Three Philosophers Belgian Style Blend
Poured into a standard pint glass a deep brown color with one finger of head that was slightly off white and retained well and laced nicely. Interesting smell almost creamy, some fruitiness. Taste was very similar to smell, creamy, some maltiness and fruitiness. Thick and fluffy, good carbonation feel. Overall a good beer but too creamy and sweet to drink a whole lot of.
Rating: Good
ABV: 9.8%
Rating: Good
ABV: 9.8%
Avery Brewing - Ellie's Brown Ale
Poured a deep dark amber, that is clear and pours a 1/2" off-white head. Smells of chocolate, and nuts, with some hoppiness. Taste is similar to smells with the hoppiness a little more present along with the alcohol. Feel is light to medium bodied with a light, tight carbonation. Very drinkable have had a few longer sessions with this beer at a local pub.
Rating: Better
ABV: 5.8%
Rating: Better
ABV: 5.8%
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Russian River Brewing - Damnation
Poured into a standard pint glass a golden slightly murky color with 3 fingers of head that retained well and laced nicely. Sweet fruitiness, hints of orange in the aroma. Taste is similar to smell, virtually no aftertaste. Feel has ample carbonation some initial thickness and a bit chewy. Very drinkable, this may be come a favorite of mine, I really enjoyed it and the alcohol is not so prevalent to mask the other characteristics.
Rating: Better
ABV: 7.75%
Rating: Better
ABV: 7.75%
Grand Lake Brewing - Plaid Bastard
This one is a good strong scotch ale/wee heavy. Very enjoyable and drinkable with nice flavors. A good example of the style.
Poured with virtually no head, deep amber almost black color. Smoky smell, some fruity notes tucked behind. Smoky taste as well, roasted malts evident, almost chocolatey. Even with no head carbonation is tight though feel is heavy and thick. Good drinkable beer with the alcohol not overpowering along with smokiness not being to overwhelming.
Rating: Good
ABV: 8.0%
Poured with virtually no head, deep amber almost black color. Smoky smell, some fruity notes tucked behind. Smoky taste as well, roasted malts evident, almost chocolatey. Even with no head carbonation is tight though feel is heavy and thick. Good drinkable beer with the alcohol not overpowering along with smokiness not being to overwhelming.
Rating: Good
ABV: 8.0%
Stone Brewing Company - Arrogant Bastard Ale
One of my favorite beers of all time, just love the magnificent flavors of the malts and hops, so bold and big.
Poured into a standard pint glass a deep dark amber with cream colored head and medium sized bubbles, 2 fingers of foam that sticks around well. Very balanced with caramel hints of malt sweetness and bitter pine notes of hops. Taste followed smell very closely, initial caramel sweetness, followed immediately with the hoppiness and pine notes. Finishes with hint of malts, very balanced flavors. Oily feel with fine textured carbonation. Medium full body & alcohol isn't over the top.
Rating: Best
ABV: 7.2%
Poured into a standard pint glass a deep dark amber with cream colored head and medium sized bubbles, 2 fingers of foam that sticks around well. Very balanced with caramel hints of malt sweetness and bitter pine notes of hops. Taste followed smell very closely, initial caramel sweetness, followed immediately with the hoppiness and pine notes. Finishes with hint of malts, very balanced flavors. Oily feel with fine textured carbonation. Medium full body & alcohol isn't over the top.
Rating: Best
ABV: 7.2%
Monday, January 11, 2010
Brouwerij St. Bernardus NV - St. Bernardus Tripel
Poured into St. Bernardus goblet a cloudy deep golden color with two fingers of pillowy white head that retained well and laced nicely. Aroma is initially fruity lemon/orange and spicy with a yeastiness creeping in on the tail. Taste is fruity and spicy but less defined than the smell. Feel is light to medium bodied with a crisp carbonation. Good beer very enjoyable and an example of the style.
Rating: Better
ABV: 8.0%
Rating: Better
ABV: 8.0%
New Belgium Brewing - Trippel
Poured into a goblet a deep golden yellow color with a finger and a half of white head that retained well and laced pretty well. Aromas were of banana, spicy and some alcohol. Taste was a bit grainy with some spice and the fruitiness. Feel was a slightly chewy medium bodied beer with some crispness. I enjoyed this beer very much as a beautiful local option for the style.
Rating: Good
ABV: 7.8%
Rating: Good
ABV: 7.8%
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Spaten-Franziskaner-Bräu - Spaten Optimator
Poured into a chalice with only one finger head that was tan . Colors a deep dark brown with ruby hints. Aromas are faint and malty. Tastes malty in general a light chocolate flavor followed with some very faint fruitiness and alcohol spiciness. Feels good on the palate with a light tickling of carbonation and an oily finish. Overall a nice drinkable beer.
Rating: Good
ABV: 7.2%
Rating: Good
ABV: 7.2%
Left Hand Brewing Company - Fade to Black Volume I
Poured in my St. Bernardus Chalice a dark nearly opaque black, with a tannish yellow head that faded quickly to a light tan crown and film. Aroma is primarily of coffee malts with a slight presence of alcohol. Taste is the same coffee malts with some alcohol spiciness on the finish. Feel is lightly warm and gently carbonated. Definitely drinkable with great flavors and very enjoyable. I really enjoyed this beer and will definitely be putting this on my shopping list in the future.
Rating: Better
ABV: 8.5%
Rating: Better
ABV: 8.5%
Paulaner Salvator Thomasbraeu AG - Salvator Doppel Bock
Poured into a chalice, pours an orangish, brown color with a light tan head that dissipated quickly to a crown around the top. Aromas were somewhat faint but malty. Taste is slightly stronger but still malty, with little hop presence. Feel in the mouth has a little bit of light crisp carbonation, with some alcohol warming. Drinkable for sure with about average flavoring, nothing says overpowering about this beer.
Rating: Good
ABV: 7.9%
Rating: Good
ABV: 7.9%
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Brouwerij St. Bernardus NV - St. Bernardus Abt 12
Poured from the bottle into standard pint glass very dark brown and murky, pours one finger of head that dissipates quickly. Medium size bubbles, no apparent lacing. Balanced smells, with just a hint of sweetness (berries?). Noticable sweetness to taste with hints of blackberries and chocolate. Alcohol not as noticable as expected given the ABV. Feel is very carbonated, some thickness. Drinkable but would probably be tough to drink more than the bottle.
Rating: Better
ABV: 10.5%
Rating: Better
ABV: 10.5%
Deschutes Brewery - Inversion IPA
Poured from the bottle into a standard pint glass with a slight cloudiness, copper color with cream colored head. Poured a finger width's head. Hoppy smooth smell, moderate alcohol, very light fruitiness. Taste yields prevalent hops, bitter, moderate alcohol. Feel is light, tight carbonation, smooth, enjoyable. Very drinkable, moderate alcohol.
Rating: Good
ABV: 6.80%
Rating: Good
ABV: 6.80%
Odell Brewing Company - 90 Shilling Ale
Poured from the bottle into a standard pint glass a dark copper color with amber tones and a tan head that retains well and laces nicely. Aromas are malty with hints of hoppiness, alcohol evident. Gently malty taste, light hoppiness with caramel overtones. Good fell, thick w/ light carbonation. Very drinkable, not too heavy and filling, alcohol is not so strong to hinder drinkability.
Rating: Good
ABV: 5.50%
Rating: Good
ABV: 5.50%
Dogfish Head Craft Brewery - 90 Minute IPA
Poured from the bottle into a standard pint glass a nice copper color and clear with a slightly off-white one finger head. Aromas of caramel, malty and some fruity notes. Taste is well balanced hops are striking but expected. Fruity notes are present, alcohol is noticeable but not overwhelming. Nice feel, carbonation tingles, light aftertaste. Very drinkable and enjoyable. Not super heavy or filling.
Rating: Better
ABV: 9.00%
Rating: Better
ABV: 9.00%
Stone Brewng - Old Guardian Barley Wine Style Ale 2009
Poured a nice caramel/amber color with a light tan head and good retention. Laced pretty well, with the head dissipating to a nice crown and a bubbly island in the middle. Sweet malts on the nose, with some fruity hop presence. Tasty sweet maltiness gives way to some alcohol spiciness. Feels well with light carbonation tickling the palate, and some oiliness on the finish. Drinkable for the style though the ABV prevents mass consumption.
Rating: Better
ABV: 11.3%
Rating: Better
ABV: 11.3%
Bear Republic Brewing - Red Rocket Ale
Poured into a goblet with a ample two to three fingers of light tan head, good retention, with nice lacing. Color was a dark garnet/ruby color, relatively clear. Citrus hop aroma with grapefruit primarily, roasted malt presence as well. Taste is very balanced with a good bitterness provided in a more piney flavor, with some chocolate/coffee hints on the finish. Feel has some chew to it, with good carbonation and minor alcohol warming. Very enjoyable and drinkable, would be easy to put a few of these back in a session.
Rating: Better
ABV: 6.8%
Rating: Better
ABV: 6.8%
Mountain Sun Pub and Brewery - XXX Pale Ale
Amber gold color with some cloudiness, nice two finger head, piney hops notes with some yeastiness. Taste is similar with the piney hops a little more pronounced. Feel is somewhat chewy. Good drinkable pale ale, very sessionable.
Rating: Good
ABV: Unknown
Rating: Good
ABV: Unknown
Mountain Sun Pub and Brewery - Colorado Kind Ale
On tap at the Vine Street Pub. Slightly cloudy darker amber/orange color with a tannish two finger head. Citrusy hop bitterness with some malty backbone in the aroma. Taste is more malty but the citrusy bitterness persists. Feel is medium bodied with a crisp finish.
Rating: Good
ABV: Unknown
Rating: Good
ABV: Unknown
Russian River Brewing - Temptation
Light yellow golden color, with quarter inch white head that laces well. Some licorice on the nose along with a white grape. More grape in the taste than the aroma. Feel is very light and crisp. Drinkable in that the abv is not overpowering, though the taste is different and might take some getting used to.
Rating: Good
Rating: Good
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Deschutes Brewery - The Abyss (2009 Vintage)
Held on to this as long as I could (which wasn't very long) before I had to crack it open. Poured a deep dark opaque brown with a golden dark khaki head that changed into a lighter tan as it sat. Creamy, tiny bubbles and a solid two finger height on a less than vigorous pour. Head retention is excellent and it laces well.
Smell is very complex with multiple aromas with bitter chocolate leading the way, but a citrus sweetness follows with the licorice and bourbon notes as well.
Taste is equal in complexity to the smell with the bourbon more prominent, chocolate bitterness presents afterward along with some alcohol.
Mouthfeel is excellent, creamy and chewy with the extremely tight carbonation and alcohol warming.
Overall drinkability is limited by ABV only, but consistent with the style. If not for the potency, this balanced brew could be enjoyed for days.
Rating: Best
ABV: 11.00%
Smell is very complex with multiple aromas with bitter chocolate leading the way, but a citrus sweetness follows with the licorice and bourbon notes as well.
Taste is equal in complexity to the smell with the bourbon more prominent, chocolate bitterness presents afterward along with some alcohol.
Mouthfeel is excellent, creamy and chewy with the extremely tight carbonation and alcohol warming.
Overall drinkability is limited by ABV only, but consistent with the style. If not for the potency, this balanced brew could be enjoyed for days.
Rating: Best
ABV: 11.00%
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Flying Dog Brewery - Gonzo Imperial Porter
Poured into a standard pint glass. Pours a deep brown with golden highlights and a yellowish golden one finger head that dissipated quickly though it initially left some decent lacing. Aroma is of coffee and chocolate with the alcohol playing a small part in the smell. Flavor is primarily of the malt sweetness and coffee, with a chocolate malt presence. Mouthfeel has a good tickle of carbonation with some slight oiliness on the finish. Overall a very good example of the style, and definitely a drinkable beer'
Rating: Better
ABV: 9.80%
Rating: Better
ABV: 9.80%
Brooklyn Brewery - Brooklyn Lager
Poured from the bottle into a standard pint glass. Poured a great amber color with a slightly offwhite head of about one finger that lingered and laced fairly well. Definite lager aroma initially, with ample hops aromas of citrus/floral variety, balanced by a good malty base. Taste is has a good malt flavor with the hops balancing well. Carbonation is about medium, with a good crisp feel and a slight oily afterfeel lingering. Overall a good drinking beer with a sessionable ABV. Definitely one to keep at the ready.
Rating: Better
ABV: 5.20%
Rating: Better
ABV: 5.20%
Friday, January 1, 2010
Yazoo Brewing Company - Sue
Poured from the bottle into a standard pint glass. Pours a very dark alomst opaque brown with an off-white head that dissipates quickly and leaves no lacing. Smell is of coffee and roasted malts, smokiness is evident though almost closer to mesquite in aroma. Taste is definitely smoky, again more mesquite-like in flavor, with some smoothness of coffee. Feel has ample carbonation, very tight and crisp. Excellent beer with great characteristics, very enjoyable.
Rating: Best
ABV: 9.00%
Rating: Best
ABV: 9.00%
Rogue Ales Brewery - Shakespeare Stout
Pours a very dark, mostly opaque brown with a two finger golden brown head. Aromas of chocolate primarily with some hints of citrus blending in. Taste is definitely the roasted malts and chocolate though I thought I detected a bit of a metallic zing at the very end (not sure what that was about). Very nice feel for a stout carbonation was not over abundant and the hops added some oiliness on the finish. Overall a very good, drinkable beer.
Rating: Better
ABV: 6.0%
IBU: 69
Rating: Better
ABV: 6.0%
IBU: 69
Meantime Brewing Company Limited - India Pale Ale
Poured from the bottle into a standard pint glass. Poured a slight brown with some cloudiness and a light tan head that dissipated quickly and left little lacing. Aromas revolved more around the malty sweetness than the hoppy bitterness. Some alcohol also in the aroma. Taste was sweet as well, almost a hint of brown sugar detected. Light to medium bodied, with appropriate carbonation and some slight oiliness on the finish. Good beer though the sweetness could limit drinkablility some.
Rating: Good
ABV: 7.50%
Rating: Good
ABV: 7.50%
Bières de Chimay (Abbaye Notre Dame de Scourmont) - Chimay Grande Reserve (Blue)
Poured from the bottle into a small goblet. Pours a dark brown with a slightly red tint and some cloudiness. Golden tan head that dissipates quick and leaves little to no lacing. Spiciness is the first aroma noticed followed immediatley by the alcohol and the sweetness of the malts. Great flavors with the sweet malts and spicy tastes combined with the alcohol warming and tickling. Feel in the mouth is great with an abundance of carbonation and a clean slightly dry, though medium to full-bodied feel. A very drinkable beer but the ABV limits.
Rating Better
ABV: 9.0%
Rating Better
ABV: 9.0%
Erie Brewing Company - Misery Bay IPA
Poured from the bottle into a standard pint glass. Initial appearance is a nice golden brown/amber color with a slightly off white head that dissipates quickly and leaves little lacing. Aroma is initially of piney hops with slight malty hint trickling in. Good bitterness and piney hops flavors and a medium body in the mouth lead to a good, drinkable IPA.
Rating: Good
ABV: 6.5%
IBU: 75
Rating: Good
ABV: 6.5%
IBU: 75
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