Saturday, March 27, 2010

Spoetzl Brewery - Shiner 100 Commerator

Poured from the bottle into a snifter. Deep clear ruby red color with a rather slight tan head that laced minimally. Aromas of the roasted malts were noticable, with a bit of a dark fruit presence leading the way. Taste is darker fruit and the malts. Alcohol is slightly present. Smooth feel with a definite medium to full body. Pleasently drinkable and enjoyable doppelbock.

Rating: Good

ABV: 6.7%

1 comment:

  1. WORST beer I have tasted in my ENTIRE life. And that's saying a lot. I've tried well over 1,000 different beers. I could not finish the 6 pack. Gave it to another beer connoisseur...even HE could not finish the 6 pack.
