Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Deschutes Brewery - The Abyss (2009 Vintage)

Held on to this as long as I could (which wasn't very long) before I had to crack it open. Poured a deep dark opaque brown with a golden dark khaki head that changed into a lighter tan as it sat. Creamy, tiny bubbles and a solid two finger height on a less than vigorous pour. Head retention is excellent and it laces well.

Smell is very complex with multiple aromas with bitter chocolate leading the way, but a citrus sweetness follows with the licorice and bourbon notes as well.

Taste is equal in complexity to the smell with the bourbon more prominent, chocolate bitterness presents afterward along with some alcohol.

Mouthfeel is excellent, creamy and chewy with the extremely tight carbonation and alcohol warming.

Overall drinkability is limited by ABV only, but consistent with the style. If not for the potency, this balanced brew could be enjoyed for days.

Rating: Best

ABV: 11.00%

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